What will be charges for property advt. in Hindu on line Tamil version? Send sample 3 line message for me. I understand it is Rs300/plz confirm.


releaseMyAd is an online newspaper ads booking agency. We help you publish your classified and display ads in a preferred newspaper through our portal, which are published in the print version of the newspaper. The print version itself is displayed as the Online Version on the official e-paper page of the publication.

Also know that we do not book ads for the Tamil version of Hindu, we book ads only for the English version. You can also take a look at the Sample ads for Recruitment advertising. If you intend to book your ad in the English version of Hindu, then please visit the Hindu Recruitment Ad Rates section and continue the booking from thereon. You must choose the preferred edition to proceed to the Ad compose section, then specify release dates and make the payment for the same. 

Related to: Hindu, Property, Sample Ad, Rate Post date: 14/04/2014 - 07:50PM